Supporting Spanish Learning at Home

Our MFL provision seeks to support learners in developing a sense of connection and context as a global citizen. Our learners develop an understanding of Spanish speaking countries around the world and our approach to language development aims to foster curiosity and deepen world understanding. We recognise the importance of language to life and sense of self and are committed to ambitious language-learning for all.
We seek to develop automacity, fluency and conscious language manipulation through provision of a golden triangle of excellence: curricular design, resource provision and pedagogical practice.
We use La Jolie Ronde's Spanish Language Curriculum, which is fully progression-matched and allows for substantive and disciplinary knowledge development.
Below you will find our progression mapping and policy on a page; if you have additional questions about our provision, feel free to contact Mrs Love- our MFL curriculum lead.
In Early Years and Key Stage 1, our learners are introduced to study through enrichment and initial language exploration. Extra-curricular enrichment and Theme days are used to pique learner interest and awaken an appetite for global learning.
In Lower KS2, our learners begin to recognise and use key vocabulary and phrases with a growing confidence and flair. They develop their capacity to verbally communicate ideas: both asking and answering authentic questions. Their background knowledge and cultural capital is enhanced by exercises of cultural understanding and partnership work.
In Upper Key Stage 2, Our learners build upon their prior learning: gradually progressing to more complex language and grammatical structure- working towards greater learner autonomy and true mastery.
Our Primary purpose in MFL is to inspire our learners to develop a love of language and communication; an intrinsic curiosity for -and interest in- the world, other cultures and people.
We have international Partnerships with Schools in Rosario, Argentina and Valencia, Spain- making our learners' experience all the richer.
CEL - Langwathby Diálogo internacional.mp4