Math’s Curriculum Statement
At Langwathby C of E School our Maths curriculum is carefully designed to ensure that all learners build confidence and gain enjoyment from their Mathematical ability. We focus on proficiency and fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics (both declarative and procedure knowledge) so that all our learners experience repeated success, this promotes high levels of motivation and drives further progress.
By adopting a Mastery approach, it is intended that all children, regardless of their starting point, will maximise their academic achievement and leave Langwathby C of E School with an appreciation and enthusiasm for Maths, resulting in a lifelong positive relationship with number.
Once learners have established firm foundations, they are able to apply their knowledge (exploring patterns and making links) in order to complete more complex problem-solving tasks. Our ultimate aim is to deliver a structured and coherent curriculum alongside careful scaffolding and adaptions to develop learners as deep mathematical thinkers.
We use the White Rose Math scheme to provide a systematically planned and purposeful journey from Early Years through to Year 6. This scheme covers the statuary content requirements of the National Curriculum using carefully sequenced concept-led units to build long-term schema. The documents below detail the core facts, concepts, methods and strategies we use to give pupils the best chance of developing proficiency in the subject.
Through this rigorous approach we aim to nurture pupils to become numerate, confident mathematicians who are able to adapt their learning to enable them to work collaboratively and successfully in an ever-changing digital world.
White Rose Maths
Teaching and Learning is guided by unit plans and supporting materials within the White Rose Maths Scheme. Daily lessons include:
- re-capping previous learning,
- direct teaching/modelling of new learning
- the completion of the daily worksheet.
Learners develop their conceptual understanding of mathematics by using concrete objects, pictorial representations and abstract thinking. This inclusive approach is based on the principles of cognitive psychology and child development. Every lesson offers opportunities to build fluency and work toward application of new content in the context of reasoning and problem-soling questions. Teachers use worked examples and models alongside opportunities to learn how to be systematic, logical and accurate when applying taught facts, methods and strategies.
Our teaching team are not restricted by the White Rose Maths scheme and are encouraged to make sensitive adaptions to meet the needs of individual learners or the common needs of a particular cohort. This might lead to the use of alternative apparatus, additional 1:1 or small group support and/or slowing the pace by spending additional sessions on a tricky concept. Whilst we aim for ‘Mastery’ (with learners working within their chronological age/year group) we accept that those children with more significant barriers to learning will require a more bespoke approach.
Long term overviews are not set in stone, the scheme offers a guide for the number of weeks per topic but staff can amend and adapt this in the light of formative assessments. This allows them to spend more time on identified areas of difficulty and less on those units that assessments show as being secure. Built in consolidation weeks allow time for the teaching team to identify gaps in learning (using low stakes testing and/or end of unit assessments) and to address any misconceptions or common errors.
Teaching assistants are used with precision to scaffold and support those who are struggling or to extend and deepen the understanding of those pupils who are more secure in their understanding.
In line with our School-wide focus of Oracy, we also expect and encourage children to use mathematical language to describe, discuss, examine, explain, justify and synthesize.
A school wide focus on KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts) ensures that our learners develop the ability to recall and apply key number knowledge rapidly and accurately. All learners in Yr. 1-6 have a KIRF target which is practiced several times a week (in school and at home). This is further supported by our use of Times Table Rock Stars to practice fluency and recall and to provide regular low stakes testing. Learners work to secure fluency of increasingly more challenging content with the aim of completing our KIRF wall (below) in readiness for Secondary school.
In September 2023 we introduced a new and additional daily Number Session (1-1:20pm) which uses the Winning with Numbers platform ( to focus upon recall of key number facts and calculation fluency. We will monitor the use and impact of this program over the 23-24 academic year.
Assessment and marking continually inform planning and teaching. The majority of marking is verbal and immediate so that problems can be addressed within the session or on the same day. Written marking is kept simple to avoid excessive teacher workload but focuses upon highlighting incorrect answers and modelling/supporting corrections. Teachers use low stakes testing (quizzes, flashbacks) alongside WRM end of block and end of term assessments to identify how much of the learning has been retained over time.
Learners in Yr. 1-6 complete standardised tests which enable us to benchmark school performance and track progress against national averages. These tests provide teachers with an in-depth analysis of year group and individual pupil strengths/weaknesses.
Children who are not making the required progress are given extra support through intervention sessions and/or additional adaptions in class. In both 21-22 and 22-23 we have used NTP funding to provide additional sessions and precision teaching for learners who need more time to think, practise, recall and apply. This helps to increase pupils’ levels of procedural fluency.
Our Early Years unit also follow the White Rose Maths scheme, using the planning from the ‘Master the Curriculum’ website to help children work towards maths mastery and have fun while doing so!
This practical and engaging approach aims to close the school entry gap in knowledge of basic mathematical facts, concepts, vocabulary and symbols.
Teachers use systematic instruction, worked examples, practical apparatus, pre-teaching and additional rehearsal to help SEND pupils learn the planned content. These pupils are given more time to complete tasks (rather than different tasks or curriculum), so that they can commit core facts and methods to long-term memory. This approach is particularly useful for pupils with moderate learning difficulties who have slower cognitive processing speed.
The implementation of our curriculum is an evolving process which is regularly re-visited and amended in the light of new cohorts and research findings.
The impact of our mathematics curriculum is that our learners develop positive attitudes about Maths as an exciting and enjoyable subject.
Through high-quality teaching and the careful scaffolding of core concepts we ensure that our learners become resilient problem solvers, with a deep understanding of the fundamentals and the ability to reason and articulate their ideas mathematically.
Quality CPD develops teachers with solid subject knowledge and the confidence to address the needs of the pupils by adjusting their teaching and assessment methods and adapting their lessons when necessary.
Our learners accept they will make mistakes and understand this can strengthen their learning. They are confident to ‘have a go’ and can independently select the equipment and/or strategy they need to help them answer questions and solve problems.
Our maths books evidence ‘thinking’ of a high standard, they show carefully planned teaching sequences that demonstrate good coverage of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Our feedback and interventions support children to strive to be the best mathematicians they can be; ensuring all learners make good progress from their starting points and that a high proportion of our pupils are on-track or above age-related expectations.
KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts) Wall
Follow the link below to our dedicated KIRF webpage. Parents/carers can find home learning support and links to online games for each target.