Science Curriculum Statement
The aim of our Science Curriculum is to promote and foster a natural curiosity about the world we live in and to inspire creative, thoughtful and innovative approaches to exploration and investigation.
Our intention is that all our learners experience the full breadth of the National Curriculum for Science, regardless of their learner pathway. Our offer is inclusive and aspirational for all learners. We seek to create motivated and engaged young scientists, aware of the role Science plays in our changing world and the role they might play within Science.
We recognise Science as core provision and appreciate its value in providing cultural capital and an understanding of the World at large and our unique locale.
Through our curricular offer, we aim to help learners relate and connect areas of study. By introducing Science Models, The Big Ideas of Science and the 7 Processes of Life, we encourage our learners to make sense of, compare and contrast concepts, theories and threads across units; over time.
Our intent is to provide learning opportunities which enable children to question and think critically while gaining knowledge, skill and understanding. We view our curriculum content through the lens of our values and vision: exploring our topic studies through Hope, Service, Compassion and the School Council adopted Sustainable Development Goals.
Please explore the information on this page, and the attached documentation, to learn more about our provision; if you have any questions related to our Science curriculum, please contact Mrs Love- our Science Curriculum Lead.
The bespoke curriculum we provide ensures that learners develop knowledge and conceptual understanding relating to: Biology, Chemistry and Physics through sequential and connected units- carefully progression mapped on 6 learner pathways.
We offer learners opportunities to explore both disciplinary and substantive knowledge within Science:
Substantive: knowledge of the products of Science, such as concepts, laws, theories and models (often referred to as Scientific Knowledge)
Disciplinary: knowledge of HOW knowledge is generated and grows (often referred to as Working Scientifically)
We view the Essential Characteristics of Science as:
- The ability to think independently and raise questions about working scientifically and the knowledge and skills that it brings.
- Confidence and competence in the full range of practical skills, taking the initiative in, for example, planning and carrying out scientific investigations.
- Excellent scientific knowledge and understanding which is demonstrated in written and verbal explanations, solving challenging problems and reporting scientific findings.
- High levels of originality, imagination or innovation in the application of skills.
- The ability to undertake practical work in a variety of contexts, including fieldwork.
- A passion for science and its application in past, present and future technologies.
Our curriculum is fully progression mapped, using Chris Quigley's Milestones and Thresholds and our Models approach in KS2. All learners experience the full breadth of Scientific Enquiry Types, with every unit of learning including Working Scientifically. Lessons often have dual objectives- one of which is explicitly related to Working Scientifically
Our curriculum links to our location where possible and utilises a plethora of links, from our Partnership Schools in Argentina and Spain, to our Farm Partner- Herdwick School, to our local Secondary settings.
Learners can expect up to 2 hours of Science a week, although Units may be blocked differently depending on the content and the class.
Our Long Term plan and Sample Unit Plans can be viewed below.
The impact of the Science curriculum at Langwathby C of E Primary can be see through:
- Our learner's retention of knowledge and Concept and Model over time
- Their capacity to question ideas; reflect upon understanding and demonstrate resilience when outcomes challenge their thinking
- Their demonstrable skills in effective collaboration, investigation, experimentation and the posing of scientific questions
- Their ability to articulate their knowledge with confidence-using appropriate language- and to suggest improvements to their own methodology
Science is teacher assessed using formal strategies (e.g. assessment tasks, quizzes, retrieval tasks) and informal strategies (e.g. the use of concept maps, floor-books, verbal/written outcomes, reflection tasks/ exit tasks). At the end of each Key Stage, our learners are assessed against the Teacher Assessment Framework for Science below.
Formative assessment is key to our approach as it allows for misconceptions and gaps to be addressed with immediacy, ensuring solid foundations for future learning.
We aspire for Langwathby Learners to leave us:
- Interested in further scientific study
- An understanding of key scientific Concepts and Models
- A working knowledge of the rich language of science
- Able to use mathematical skills in applied science
- Ready to work collaboratively and practically, with purpose
- Achieving of age related expectations in Science