Langwathby C of E Primary School

Bringing out the best in one another

Get In Touch

School Address

  • Langwathby CofE Primary School,
  • Salkeld Road,
  • Langwathby,
  • Penrith,
  • Cumbria,
  • CA10 1ND


Welcome to Owls Class!


Owl class is taught by Mrs Love and Mr Dennis. Learning is supported by Mrs Carruthers and Miss Wilson.

Autumn Term 2024




Our topic this term is the Romans. In this unit of learning, we investigate Roman Britain and unpick the impact the Romans had on life here- much of which we can still see today. We have a very exciting visit planned: to Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum and a Reading Spine closely linked to our Topic. The children will have the opportunity to link past units of learning (whether it be the Viking Invaders and Settlers, or Stone Age to Iron Age Britain) to this period of history, further developing their skillset as historians and their knowledge and understanding of the world. 




Our topics in science this term is the Earth, Sun and Moon and Space. These aspects of Scientific study always fascinate learners and the units leave them with a greater understanding and a sense of awe. We will hopefully have a visit from the mobile Planetarium to support and enrich our learning. 




During this term we will be focusing on Print and Collage. The children will explore Mechanical Systems through DT. 

Our Class Blog


Over the course of the year, both the children and class teachers will publish updated class Blogs- outlining what we have been up to and what we have to look forward to. Watch this space for our first pupil guest Blog next week! 

Our Class Gallery

Weekly Routines


We have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure that PE kits are weather appropriate and are worn on PE days. 


Home learning is primarily key-skill based, with Spellings coming home on Friday or a Monday (Friday for our No Nonsense Spelling Learners and Monday for those accessing Phase 6 Phonics). We will also send home a times-table task for completion. We ask that learners Read and/or are Read to each day, to support them in the journey to fluency and to develop a sense of themselves as a reader. 





Each class in school uses an online platform called Class Dojo. Dojo is a points system that allows us to reward effort, consistency, demonstration of our core values, growth mindset and kindness. As well as collecting points individually, the children are also collecting points for their newly allocated School House. The House with the most points at the end of the year will win the House Cup. 


The Houses, and House Leaders are: 



Related Parish 

Teacher Leads 

St. Peter 


Mrs Love and Miss O'Kane 

St Cuthbert 


Mrs Hay and Miss Armistead-Burrell 

St. Michael 


Mr Dennis, Mrs Labbett and Mrs Gale 

St John 


Mr Flanagan  and Mrs Wilby  

St Luke 


Miss Houghton and Mrs Wildey  


Learners also have the opportunity to earn individual rewards including: 'special mentions' in our Joy and Gratitude Worship, Learner of the Week awards and Polite Slip allocation. 


Welcome to Owl Class- parental information slides Autumn 24-25

2024 Multiplication Tables Check- Parental Information
