Langwathby C of E Primary School

Bringing out the best in one another

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School Address

  • Langwathby CofE Primary School,
  • Salkeld Road,
  • Langwathby,
  • Penrith,
  • Cumbria,
  • CA10 1ND

Growth Mindset

At Langwathby C of E School we are dedicated to developing Growth Mindsets . This culture helps your children become positive and resilient learners.


Watch the videos below to learn more about Growth Mindset and to discover how adopting a positive attitude towards challenge and failure can help your child to reach their full potential. 

RSA ANIMATE: How To Help Every Child Fulfil Their Potential

Ever wondered why kids say they're bored at school, or why they stop trying when the work gets harder? Educationalist Carol Dweck explains how the wrong kind of praise actually *harms* young people. This short video is essential viewing for EVERYONE - from teachers and education workers to relatives and friends - and will totally revolutionise the way you interact with children.

How you can be good at math, and other surprising facts about learning | Jo Boaler | TEDxStanford

You have probably heard people say they are just bad at math, or perhaps you yourself feel like you are not "a math person." Not so, says Stanford mathematics education professor Jo Boaler, who shares the brain research showing that with the right teaching and messages, we can all be good at math.
