School Council
Our School Council is elected in the Autumn Term, through in-class elections, each year.
At our first meeting we agree a mission statement and our priorities for the year. Our mission statement, action plan, meeting minutes and any upcoming projects are displayed in the hall on our School Council Notice Board. Our Action Planning is informed by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
On the board you will also find our elected officials, their roles and their photos. Each year we elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom have specific roles to fulfil at meetings and between them.
Class representatives from Kingfishers, Badgers, Owls and Otters hold regular Class Councils and conduct playground surveys as agreed by the Council, to ensure all pupils have a voice.
Since September 2019, the Council have allocated themselves with the following advocacy roles:
- STEM Champion
- Digital Leader
- Learner Well-being Lead
- Eco Councillor
- Team English Lead
- Creative Curriculum & Charity Councillor
- Special Educational Needs Inclusion Champion
Our Special Educational Needs Councillor has historically been part of Cumbria's 'All of Us' Special Educational Needs Advocacy group and works with the SENCO (Mrs Love) and SEND Governor to ensure Inclusion is evident; representing pupil voice and holding to account. Over the last 3 years, our Inclusion Champion has arranged Autism Aceeptance Day and our first Festival of Inclusion.
School Council takes its responsibilities to our school, community and the world very seriously and holds regular fundraisers in the name of the charities we elect to support as well as working to improve school life.
We are part of the SCONE network and- where available- our representatives attend meetings with other School Councillors from the North East. In 2016 we were fortunate enough to send two of our Councillors to London on a visit to the Houses of Parliament.
Previous School Council Events:
- May Day Chocolate Tombola
- Fair Trade Tuck Shop
- Stand Up To Cancer Community Coffee Morning
- Macmillan Community Coffee Morning
- Children in Need Fundraising Day and Design a Pudsey Competition
- Fair Trade Fortnight
- Red Nose Day's Big Red Bun Sale & Go Red for RND
- Children in Need- Wild N'Wacky Fancy Dress & PJ Days
- Bake a Difference- Gingerbread competition and Tuck Shop for FairTrade- December 10th 2019
- Crisis- Help the Homeless Non-Uniform Day- Friday 20th December 2019
- Refuge- Bring Your Toy to School Day- fundraising for toys for children who are vulnerable or displaced over Christmas
- Elf Day for Alzhiemers
- Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day
- Wateraid- Jars of Change
- Autism Acceptance Week
- Festival of Inclusion
- NSPCC Number Day
Upcoming Events:
School Council Eco-House of the Future Competition- promoting Sustainability
NSPCC- Number Day
Read for Change- Readerthon
Current Funding Projects:
In the past, School Council have considered how we can make school more eco-friendly and reduce our paper waste. This year, we have a sub-committee investigating how we can make our playground plastic-free!
In our last meeting we opted to purchase Hedgehog homes that we can distribute to the community.
We are currently planning a fundraiser to pay for our book donation to be transported to Ankoma Library
Next Meeting Focus:
Review of Actions from previous meetings
Evaluation of Action PLAN events & planning of Christmas Events
Financial Review by Treasurer
Feedback from class councils
Living our values project feedback
Next SCONE meeting:
Previous Meeting Agenda Items:
- Revisiting Sustainable Development Goals action planning
- Role Review
- Playground provision Project
- Class Requests: Forest School Veg patch & more wood for den building outside FS
- Owl Class Reading Area
- Book requests
- Inclusion Champion Feedback
- Class Council Feedback- Pupil Voice surveys
- Summer Term Action Planning
- Fundraising Priorities and Role Allocation
School Council in London:
In the past members of our School Council Team had a wonderful time exploring Westminster, riding the London Eye and touring Parliament as Cumbrian Representatives. The chosen pupils represented us at a very special SCONE meeting in the capital!