Langwathby C of E Primary School

Bringing out the best in one another

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School Address

  • Langwathby CofE Primary School,
  • Salkeld Road,
  • Langwathby,
  • Penrith,
  • Cumbria,
  • CA10 1ND

Our Curriculum 2023- 2024

Our aim is to give all our pupils the best possible education, to raise standards and improve outcomes by securing progress for all our pupils regardless of ability, ethnicity, gender or disability.


The National Curriculum (2014) is the statutory document which forms the basis of school's planning and provision. It details what will be taught to each year group in each of the subject areas. 

To view the National Curriculum follow the link below.

It is up to each school to design and build their curriculum so that they meet statutory requirements in a way that compliments their unique context, location and ethos. The key principles that have guided our curriculum development and shaped our provision are summed up in our commitment to;


  • promoting creativity,
  • ensuring inclusion,
  • encouraging our learners to value, respect and protect the natural environment 
  • cultivating Growth Mindsets 


We are proud of the bespoke curriculum we offer and the partnerships we have forged with local companies such as Herdwick School Matterdale, the Fellfoot Forward Project, Carlisle United Football Club, Tullie House Museum and The Eden Rivers Trust. These partnerships enable us to bring learning to life through the application of knowledge and skills in real life projects. 

At Langwathby C of E School we use a combination of bought/published schemes and in-house planning to ensure that our curriculum is engaging and creative. Several of our foundation subject curriculums are built around the Threshold Concepts within Chris Quigley's Essentials Curriculum. The table below summarises our curriculum offer, further detail is provided on individual subject pages.  

For more detail about your child's current topic/unit plans please select the relevant 'Class Page' under 'Children' on the main menu. 







Mrs Love

Phonics – Dfe Validated Twinkl Phonics Scheme

Reading & Writing– Bespoke, topic related curriculum. Supported by Rhino Readers, reading spines and ‘Purpose for Writing’ planning.  

Spelling/GAPS – Twinkl/No Nonsense Spelling and Helen Sheridan’s Spelling Lists.

Handwriting – Twinkl Handwriting


When required learners receive additional support via Small group and 1:1 intervention (IDL/Word Wasp/Precision Teaching/Smart Moves/ Toe-by Toe). 


Mrs Hay


Mr Armstrong

White Rose Maths

Pupils are taught in individual year groups.

Learners complete WRM Workbooks alongside alternative ‘support and challenge’ tasks.

Winning with Numbers

Learners receive a daily session focused upon recall of key number facts and calculation fluency. This is supported by our KIRF system.

When required learners receive additional support via Dynamo Maths, Maths Recovery and Precision Teaching.


Mrs Love

These subjects are fully progression mapped using threshold concepts (Chris Quigley’s Essentials Curriculum)*.  


Pathway documents, long and medium terms plans can be viewed in school on request.


 *Due to copyright reasons, we cannot publish the full Chris Quigley Essentials Curriculum on our school website.

Please see the document below for a summary of the Essentials Curriculum.

Art and Design

Mrs Gale


Mr Armstrong


Mrs Wilby


Spanish (MFL)


Mrs Love

We use La Jolie Ronde's Spanish Language Curriculum . Thus is fully progression-matched and allows for substantive and disciplinary knowledge development.



Miss O’Kane

We use the DT Association’s ‘Project on a Page’ schemes of work to implement the National Curriculum in an imaginative way. Teachers link these projects to other themes/topics being studied.



Mrs Hay

We use the Charanga English Model Music Curriculum V2 which is aligned to the National Curriculum and adapted to our mixed aged classes.

Our Scheme follows a spiral approach to musical learning, with children revisiting, building and extending their knowledge and skills incrementally.

We also purchase blocks of instrumental lessons for our older children via the LA Music Service


Mrs Labbett

We use the GetSet4PE curriculum which offers Schemes of Work with a clear progression of skills and knowledge .


Miss Armistead

Our RE planning is built upon the Cumbria Agreed Syllabus for RE 2023. This is supplemented by our use of Understanding Christianity (  and Questful RE ( ) .


Mrs Hay

Our PSHE curriculum is SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) - This provides us with a whole-school progression mapped, fully-resourced, comprehensive PSHE program. This also fulfils our DFE statutory requirements for RSHE.

We also use the NSPCC resources and the Kidsafe UK ( ) program to support Personal Development.


Mr Dennis

Our Computing curriculum is mapped against the Essentials curriculum and delivered via Purple Mash planning and resources.  ( ).

We use the Essentials Curriculum for Science, Art and Design, History, Geography and Spanish. It sets out the essential coverage, learning objectives and standards which are required. The curriculum builds progressively from EYFS to Year 6 and aligns to the National Curriculum-  this is done through Milestones.


There are three milestones - Milestone 1 (Years 1 and 2), Milestone 2 (Years 3 and 4) and Milestone 3 (Years 5 and 6). Within each Milestone, children develop the knowledge and transferable skills which allow them to access all areas of the curriculum. Children work through three developmental stages : Basic, Advancing  and Deep, this is dependent on their cognitive development and confidence.

In the Early Years and Key Stage 1 we teach phonics using the DfE Validated  Twinkl Phonics Scheme. 
