Langwathby C of E Primary School

Bringing out the best in one another

Get In Touch

School Address

  • Langwathby CofE Primary School,
  • Salkeld Road,
  • Langwathby,
  • Penrith,
  • Cumbria,
  • CA10 1ND


Welcome to Kingfishers Class! 


Meet Our Teachers


Miss Armistead is our teacher in the Kingfisher Class and she works Monday-Friday. 
We are supported in class each day by Miss Whitfield (Linda) and by Miss Wordsworth. 

Mrs Wildey teaches us on a Wednesday Morning and Holly runs our forest school sessions. 

Weekly Routines


We have PE on a Wednesday afternoon and Forest School on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure that PE kits and Forest School kits are weather appropriate. Children may leave them both at school for a half term if you wish.



  • Try to read with your child as many times a week as is possible and please note this down in their reading record. Reading is paramount for this age group and little and often at home really can make a huge impact.

  • Practice KIRF targets.  It is incredibly important that our learners secure their knowledge of Key Instant Recall Facts in maths through home practice also. Ideas of ways to do this are on the KIRFs page.

  • Practice spellings - these are given out on an Monday and tested the following Monday.

  • Complete the optional creative challenges offered on Seesaw.


Please do talk to us if there are any issues with completing homework and we will try our best to help. For more support and explanation of our home learning policy, please see the parents section of the website and view our KIRFS and home learning video guide


We recommend you have our school app in order to recieve the most up to date information about events happening within the school. Reminders about kit, changes to our schedule or teacher requests are sent out on there regularly. 




Each class in school uses an online platform called Class Dojo. Dojo is a points system that allows us to reward effort, consistency, demonstration of our core values, growth mindset and kindness. As well as collecting points individually, the children are also collecting points for their newly allocated School House. The House with the most points at the end of the year will win the House Cup.

Autumn Term 2023




Our topic this term is a mixture of a geographical study of the local area, a historical study of the local area, before moving onto learning about the Gunpowder Plot. The children will explore how to use and read maps before using them to navigate around out local area on a school trip. They will also look at the key changes which have taken place over time in our local area and investigate why these changes may have occurred. After half term, children will deepen their historian knowledge by researching what the Gunpowder Plot was, making a note of key dates and events, before investigating why it happened and what the significance is of this historical event.




Our topic in science this term is Light. We will explore what human and natural light sources are, how light travels through different materials and also how shadows are formed. Through experimentation and research, we will learn about different types of light and how we see things in the world around us. We will also explore the harmful effects the sun can have on our bodies and explore what we can do to protect ourselves from the sun.




During this term we will be focusing on drawing, specifically exploring different ways in which we can improve our drawing by looking at texture, shade and pencil strokes. We will be leading up to drawing a realistic self-portrait, incorporating all the techniques we have learnt over the term.

We will also be designing and sewing our own hand puppets in Design and Technology lessons.

Class gallery

Our classroom

Useful websites for at home:
